Upper 700 band

Last Updated on Sunday, 02 September 2012 04:16
Hits: 825

(750 band)

A radio frequency band spanning 746 - 788 MHz. The largest commercial part is known as "Block C", which is owned nationally by Verizon Wireless and used for its 4G LTE service.

Verizon bought Block C of the Upper 700 band in 2008 in an FCC auction known as Auction 73.

In the context of an LTE network - such as Verizon's - block C of the Upper 700 band is also known as band 13.

There is also a smaller block - Block D - that is part of the Upper 700 band. This failed to sell as planned in Auction 73 in 2008. Other parts of the Upper 700 band are used for public safety radio systems.

So as not to confuse the Upper 700 band with the different - and incompatible - Lower 700 band, Phone Scoop refers to the Upper 700 band as the 750 band.

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