Logical Reasoning
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- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 April 2012 06:41
- Hits: 2592
Questions based on relationships are very common in competitive examinations. There are many variations in this type of questions. It may appear confusing but easier to answer if we break the questions in to parts and analyze it with the help of diagram.
If Rama says that his mother is the only daughter of Lakshmana’s mother, how is Rama related to Lakshmana?
Let us consider Rama’s mother as ‘A’ and her mother as ‘B’ then Lakshmana is the brother of ‘A’ and he is the maternal Uncle of Rama.
Rama told Lakshmana, 'Yesterday I met the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother.' Whom did Rama meet?
Daughter of Grandmother is mother. Mother’s only brother is Uncle.
Here a clear knowledge of relationships and terms is necessary to find a solution. The common blood relationships and its terms are given below:
Mother's son – Brother
Father’s son - Brother
Mother's – Sister
Father’s daughter - Sister
Mother's brother – Uncle
Father’s brother - Uncle
Mother's sister – Aunt
Father’s sister - Aunt
Son's wife - Daughter-in-Law
Daughter's husband - Son-in-Law
Husband's sister - Sister-in-Law
Wife’s sister - Sister-in-Law
Husband's brother - Brother-in-Law
Wife’s brother - Brother-in-Law
Brother's son - Nephew
Brother' daughter - Niece
Aunt's son - Cousin
Uncle’s daughter- Cousin
Aunt’s daughter- Cousin
Uncle’s daughter- Cousin
Sister's husband - Brother-in-Law
Brother's wife - Sister-in-Law
Mother's Father – GrandFather
Father’s Father - GrandFather
Mother's mother – GrandMother
Father's mother – GrandMother
Grandson's daughter - Great GrandDaughter
Granddaughter's daughter - Great GrandDaughter
Solved Questions:
1. Pointing to a photo Mr Bean said: I have no brother or sister but that fellow's father is my father's son Whose photo is it?
A) His nephew's
B) His son's
C) His father's
D) His Uncle's
Here my father's son is Mr. Bean himself. So if the photo is of X father of X is Mr . Bean and the correct answer is B.
2. Pointing out to a lady, Rama said, "She is the daughter of the woman who
is the mother of the husband of my mother" Who is the lady to Rama?
A) GrandDaughter
B) Sister in law
C) Aunt
D) Daughter
Answer is C
The relations may be analyzed as follows:
Mother's husband - Father. Father's mother - Grandmother. Grandmother's
daughter - Father's sister. Father's sister - Aunt.
So, the lady is his aunt.
3. A is B's mother C is B's mother. D is C's father. E is D's mother. How is A related to E?
A. Granddaughter
B. Greatgrand son
C. Grandson
D. Grandmother
Answer is B.
Now you can try some online test on questions related to blood relationship
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